THCB Gang Episode 16, LIVE 7/2 at 1PM PT/4PM ET!

Episode 16 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, July 2nd! Tune in below! Joining Matthew Holt are our regulars: patient safety expert Michael Millenson (MLMillenson), MD & hospital systemContinue reading…

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THCB Gang, Episode 13 LIVE 6/11 from 1PM PT/ 4PM ET

Episode 13 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, June 11th from 1PM PT to 4PM ET. Tune in below and join our panelists or on our YouTube Channel. Matthew HoltContinue reading…

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Even Covid-19 May Not Be Causing Your Doctor To Wash His Hands

By MICHAEL MILLENSON If you think the grim coronavirus death toll is causing health care workers everywhere to always wash their hands, think again. A recent research letter published in The Journal of Hospital Infection examinedContinue reading…

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THCB Gang, Episode 11 LIVE 1PM PT/4 PM ET 5/28

Episode 11 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, May 27th at 1PM PT / 4PM ET 5/28. Joining me are the regulars: patient safety expert Michael Millenson (MLMillenson), writerContinue reading…

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Why Covid May Not Be Causing Your Doctor To Wash His Hands

Surprisingly, the Covid crisis may not be enough to boost hand hygiene compliance at hospitals. What’s urgently needed is leadership that embraces effective tactics and technology.

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THCB Gang: Episode 9

Episode 9 of “The THCB Gang” was live-streamed on Wednesday (instead of our normal Thursday slot) on May 13th at 1pm PT- 4pm ET! Watch it below! Next week we’ll be backContinue reading…

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THCB Gang: Episode 7, LIVE 1PM PT/4PM ET, 4/30

Episode 7 of “The THCB Gang” will be live-streamed on Thursday, April 30th at 1pm PT- 4pm ET! 4-6 semi-regular guests drawn from THCB authors and other assorted old friends of mineContinue reading…

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Paul O’Neill, Health Care Hero

By MICHAEL MILLENSON Paul O’Neill, who died from lung cancer this month at age 84, was one of my personal heroes, but not because of anything he accomplished as Alcoa’s chief executive officerContinue reading…

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The THCB Gang: Episode 5

Episode 5 of “The THCB Gang” is going to be live-streamed Thursday, April 15 at 1pm PT- 4pm ET! 4-6 semi-regular guests drawn from THCB authors and other assorted old friends ofContinue reading…

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Trump Urges Insured COVID-19 Victims to Use For-Profit Medical Care

By MICHAEL MILLENSON (Foxnoxious News) WASHINGTON, April 1 –  President Trump today urged all insured Americans infected by the coronavirus to seek care only at for-profit facilities. “American capitalism is the world’sContinue reading…

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