Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape.Continue reading…

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Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape. The key, he says, is to avoid being blindsided by the transformational power of digital data. “We’ve been competing against Medtronic and J&J,

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update of the rules governing a particular Medicare program. In today’s dyspeptic political climate, however, what didn’t happen along the way was truly remarkable – and may

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update ofContinue reading…

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update ofContinue reading…

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Google Is Quietly Infiltrating Medicine — But What Rules Will It Play By?

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  With nearly 80 percent of internet users searching online for health-related information, it’s no wonder the catchphrase “Dr. Google” has caught on, to the delight of many searchers andContinue reading…

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Google Is Quietly Infiltrating Medicine — But What Rules Will It Play By?

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  With nearly 80 percent of internet users searching online for health-related information, it’s no wonder the catchphrase “Dr. Google” has caught on, to the delight of many searchers andContinue reading…

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Google Is Quietly Infiltrating Medicine — But What Rules Will It Play By?

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  With nearly 80 percent of internet users searching online for health-related information, it’s no wonder the catchphrase “Dr. Google” has caught on, to the delight of many searchers and the dismay of many real doctors. What’s received little attention from physicians or the public is the company’s quiet metamorphosis into a powerhouse focused on the

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

A little-unnoticed Trump administration regulation offers quiet evidence that bipartisan civility in government is possible. Despite involving Obamacare, millions of Medicare beneficiaries and $100 billion in federal spending, ideological fireworks wer…

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The Reality of Bush I on Health Care and Its Lessons for Today

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  Former President George H.W. Bush may have been every inch the caring individual portrayed in the eulogies of those who knew him, but when it came to healthContinue reading…

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