The Reality of Bush I on Health Care and Its Lessons for Today

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  Former President George H.W. Bush may have been every inch the caring individual portrayed in the eulogies of those who knew him, but when it came to healthContinue reading…

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The Reality of Bush I on Health Care and Its Lessons for Today

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  Former President George H.W. Bush may have been every inch the caring individual portrayed in the eulogies of those who knew him, but when it came to healthContinue reading…

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The Internet of Medical Things Gold Rush (And My Grandfather’s Wooden Leg)

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  The most intriguing aspect of the recent Connected Health Conference was the eclectic mix of corporations claiming cutting-edge expertise in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). HP, a legend in computer hardware, was touting a service that scoops data from Web-enabled home devices such as bathroom scales up into the cloud and then manages

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The Internet of Medical Things Gold Rush (And My Grandfather’s Wooden Leg)

The recent Connected Health Conference featured an eclectic mix of corporations claiming cutting-edge expertise in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). But to me personally, the most intriguing pivot towards the IoMT future was AT&T’s prominent positioning of a prosthetic foot.

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Will Apple Track Your Mind, Not Just Your Heart?

Apple watching over your health could involve more than its new Series 4 watch. The latest iPhone can be used to analyze facial expressions, voice and other information for signs of depression or other mental health issues. Winning hearts and minds isn…

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Medicare Holds Out Promise of Health Record Access Revolution

By MICHAEL MILLENSON This is the second of two posts from the Society of Participatory Medicine about the important policy issue regarding portability of our medical records. The first provided background, with link to a PDF of the comments SPM submitted, largely authored by Michael Millenson, who provides this essay for context. The Trump administration is proposing

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SPM’s comments on important proposed CMS interoperability rules

By E-PATIENT DAVE DEBRONKART This is the first of two posts from the Society of Participatory Medicine about an important policy issue regarding portability of our medical records. The second part will be published tomorrow and is written by Michael Millenson, who did the lion’s share of this work, as noted below. Our Society’s Advocacy

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‘Immigrants’ Bring Patient Engagement Energy

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON An Irish software expert who’d been helping companies sell on eBay walks into a room with a Slovenian inventor who’d built a world-class company in the “accelerator beamContinue reading…

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‘Immigrants’ Bring Patient Engagement Energy

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON An Irish software expert who’d been helping companies sell on eBay walks into a room with a Slovenian inventor who’d built a world-class company in the “accelerator beamContinue reading…

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‘Immigrants’ Bring Patient Engagement Energy

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON An Irish software expert who’d been helping companies sell on eBay walks into a room with a Slovenian inventor who’d built a world-class company in the “accelerator beam diagnostics market.” (Don’t ask.) What they share is not just foreign birth, but “immigration” to health care from other fields. Both have come

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