Big Data Big News: Largest Health Data Org on Planet Promises “Actionable” Info Release

The largest health data steward “on the planet,” the Department of Health and Human Services, plans to make its data releases actionable for entrepreneurs and patients. The clinical and economic impact of this connected health information could be enor…

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Health Care Price Tags Won’t Find You the Best Doctor

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  Say you want to know which baseball players provide the most value for the big dollars they’re being paid. A Google search quickly yields analytics. But suppose your primary care physician just diagnosed you with cancer. What will a search for a “high value” cancer doctor tell you? Not much. Public concern over

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Health Care Price Tags Won’t Find You the Best Doctor

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON Say you want to know which baseball players provide the most value for the big dollars they’re being paid. A Google search quickly yields analytics. But suppose your primaryContinue reading…

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Health Care Price Tags Won’t Find You the Best Doctor

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON Say you want to know which baseball players provide the most value for the big dollars they’re being paid. A Google search quickly yields analytics. But suppose your primaryContinue reading…

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Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape.Continue reading…

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Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape.Continue reading…

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Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

By MICHAEL MILLENSON  Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape. The key, he says, is to avoid being blindsided by the transformational power of digital data. “We’ve been competing against Medtronic and J&J,

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update ofContinue reading…

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update ofContinue reading…

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON  A Trump administration regulation issued just hours before the partial federal shutdown offers quiet hope for civility in government. What happened, on its face, was simple: an update of the rules governing a particular Medicare program. In today’s dyspeptic political climate, however, what didn’t happen along the way was truly remarkable – and may

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