Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape. The key, he says, is to avoid being blindsided by the transformational power of digital data. Others agree.

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Not Fake News! Trumpians, Dems, Health Data Nerds Harmonize In DC

Trump appointees cheered by both GOPers and Dems. VCs warning about too much VC cash. Tech nerds modest about AI. At Health Datapalooza, the goals of better health care, better health and making lots of money led to surprising harmony

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Don’t Like Obamacare? Do We Have a Plan For You!

MICHAEL MILLENSON Struggling to break free from Obamacare oppression, Idaho is offering low-cost health plans that achieve this goal by avoiding covering anyone who’s been sick in the past and skimping on coverage for any diseases that might make you sick in the future. These strategies are, inconveniently, explicitly banned by the Affordable Care Act.

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Don’t Like Obamacare? Do We Have a Plan For You!

MICHAEL MILLENSON Struggling to break free from Obamacare oppression, Idaho is offering low-cost health plans that achieve this goal by avoiding covering anyone who’s been sick in the past and skimping onContinue reading…

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Don’t Like Obamacare? Do We Have a Plan For You!

MICHAEL MILLENSON Struggling to break free from Obamacare oppression, Idaho is offering low-cost health plans that achieve this goal by avoiding covering anyone who’s been sick in the past and skimping onContinue reading…

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Will Azar Practice ‘Art Of The Deal’ Capitalism At Trump’s HHS?

The Gospel of the Great Dealmaker created expectations that Donald Trump’s HHS would strongly support paying providers based on “value.” It didn’t. Now it’s up to Alex Azar to bring capitalism, where deal making demands performance, back to health care policy.

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What Baseball Can Teach Doctors

By MICHAEL MILLENSON Baseball, like medicine, is deeply imbued with a sense of tradition, and no team more so than the New York Yankees, disdainful of innovations like placing players’ names on the backs of their jerseys and resistant to eroding strict standards related to haircuts and beards. It’s why doctors and patients alike should

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Could OpenNotes Transform the Analytics Marketplace?

By MICHAEL MILLENSON Could OpenNotes help push predictive analytics from paternalism to partnership? As new payment incentives make it profitable to prevent illness as well as treat it, new technology is offering the tantalizing prospect of accurately targeting pre-emptive interventions. At the recent Health 2.0 Annual Fall Conference, for example, companies like Cardinal Analytx Solutions and Base Health spoke of

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It’s Time to Truly Share the Chemo Decision With Cancer Patients

By MICHAEL MILLENSON You (or a loved one) has cancer, but the latest round of chemotherapy has unfortunately had only a modest impact. While you’re acutely aware of the “wretchedness of life that becomes worn to the nub by [ chemotherapy’s] adverse effects” you’re also a fighter. How do you decide whether to continue with

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Did Medical Darwinism Doom the GOP Health Plan?

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON “We are now contemplating, Heaven save the mark, a bill that would tax the well for the benefit of the ill.” Although the quote reads like it could be part of the Republican repeal-and-replace assault against the Affordable Care Act (ACA), it’s actually from a 1949 editorial in The New York

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