The Medical Home’s Humpty Dumpty Defense

By Michael L. Millenson I was reading a medical home advocacy group’s upbeat approach to a recent JAMA study that had found scant benefit in the concept when, suddenly, we tumbled into Alice in Wonderland territory. The press release from the leadership of the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) started out reasonably enough. The three-year study […]

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The Money, the MD and a $12 Million Patient Safety Scandal

Dr. Charles Denham rattles off names like the Clinton Global Health Initiative, the Discovery Channel, the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School when discussing those he’s worked with. Now, the Justice Department has named him as taking a nearly $12 m…

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In a Footnote, GOP Gives Up Total Obamacare Repeal

Buried in a footnote to the recently unveiled GOP alternative to Obamacare is the admission that Republicans are not going to try to repeal the parts of the law related to Medicare reform. Oddly, neither press nor pundits seem to have bothered to ask w…

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10 Sex Tips for Better Looking Health Insurance

OK, maybe I misread the cover of the dog-eared copy of Glamour perched in a magazine rack at the gym. Perhaps I was confused by the multi-colored headlines promising an improved physical appearance (“101 One Minute Makeover Tricks”), a more organized daily routine (“12 Ways to Get Your Sh*T Together”) […]

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WTF? Israeli General Warns of Officers Texting Orders, Being Ignored

Ceremony of receiving berets. IDF Nahal brigad…
Image via Wikipedia

When an Israeli Army officer says, “Follow me!”, the soldiers under his command may be confused whether he means Facebook or a firefight.

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Bin Laden, Patriotism And Our Health Care Crisis

In the near-decade since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the “War on Terror” has cost the United States about $1.3 trillion, according to the National Center on Defense Information. By comparison, it took just six months for the U.S. to spend that…

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GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Rejection: “Patient-Centered Healthcare”

By Michael L. Millenson The reason that Republicans shut down the federal government, it turns out, was to “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? As the lead author of a policy paper entitled, “Will the Affordable Care Act Move Patient-Centeredness to Center Stage?” I admit to a certain guilty thrill when I read this precise […]

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GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Objection

Hard-right Republicans said they shut down the government to stop Obamacare and “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? “Patient-centered healthcare.” Really? The ACA can be accused of many failures, but it’s the most patient-centered law ever.

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Still Demanding Medical Excellence

By Michael L. Millenson Forget for a moment the familiar scenes of action and outraged reaction that are playing out in our long-running national debate over how best to provide access to health care for every American. Instead, ask one simple question: what happens in the doctor’s office or hospital once access is achieved. I set […]

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Health IT: A Tale of Three Watsons

If you want to see the future of health information technology, take a look at the dueling visions of two Thomas Watsons that are on display this month in a game show and a trade show. The  juxtaposition unintentionally demonstrates what doctors and patients will be doing together and also separately .

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