The 9th Grade Class Does Obamacare Math (Can Journalists Do the Same?)

By Michael L. Millenson Welcome, students, to our special combined 9th grade math and civics class. Today, we’re going to look at the “Cadillac tax” in the Affordable Care Act. Yes, Mitt, you have a question already? No, no, “Cadillac tax” is just an expression. No one is going to tax your family’s cars, Mitt, […]

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In a Quiet Move, Washington Replaces the Head of AHRQ. Is It Too Late to Save the Agency?

By Michael L. Millenson Stealthily, AHRQ has acquired a new head, but the ax still hovers over it. Very quietly, researcher Richard Kronick, PhD was named by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to be the new director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He joins an organization that remains […]

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What the Death of American Medical News Says About the Future of American Medicine

By Michael L. Millenson If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice, including plumber envy, you’d read American Medical News(AMN). That’s the biweekly newspaper the American Medical Association just announced it’s shutting down. Unlike JAMA, in which doctors appear as white-coated scientists, AMN focused on practical and political issues, not least of which was […]

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Doctors, Plumber Envy and a 1969 Ode to Obamacare

If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice you’d read American Medical News. That’s the American Medical Association newspaper where you could read about plumber envy, protesters burning their AMA membership card and, today, what sounds suspiciously like an ode to Obamacare.

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Doctors, Plumber Envy and a 1969 Ode to Obamacare

If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice you’d read American Medical News. That’s the American Medical Association newspaper where you could read about plumber envy, protesters burning their AMA membership card and, today, what sounds suspiciously like an ode to Obamacare.

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If You Want to Stop Hospital Harm, Don’t Call a Capitalist

A patient in an intensive care unit (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Leapfrog Group has just released its latest report grading the safety of hundreds of individual hospitals, but the real news isn’t the “incremental progress.” It’s how a group started by some of the most powerful corporations in America has quietly […]

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How a Real Writer Dies

By Michael L. Millenson True to his proudly claimed Chicago newspaperman roots, famed movie critic Roger Ebert remained a writer literally up until the moment he died. “A lot of people have asked me how could Roger have [posted] that column one day and then die the next? Well, he didn’t know he was going […]

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Why Medicare Cuts Will Quietly Kill Seniors

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON The recent news that thousands of seniors with cancer are being denied treatment with expensive chemotherapy drugs as a result of sequestration-mandated budget cuts raises the question of whether other patients are being equally harmed, but less visibly. A careful study of the impact of past federal budget cutting suggests a troubling […]

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Who Are These Guys? Why the PCORI Picks Matter a Lot More Than You Probably Realize.

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute has just appointed four new advisory panels that will help guide hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants. Unfortunately, while PCORI released the new advisers’ names, it neglected to tell the public who the advisory panel members really are. Let me explain. PCORI says its […]

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The Health IT Scandal the NY Times Didn’t Cover

By Michael L.  Millenson In case you missed it, the shocking news was that health IT companies that stood to profit from billions of dollars in federal subsidies to potential customers poured in ­– well, actually, poured in not that much money at all when you think about it ­– lobbying for passage of the […]

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