“Rudolph” Sings of Santa as Savvy Manager, Marketer

Like everyone else, I’ve cheerfully hummed, whistled and sung along to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for as long as I can remember. But when I listened carefully to the lyrics this holiday season, I realized I’d missed the underlying message of a song that teaches invaluable lessons about the challenge […]

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Big Government Brings Big Profits To Texas Health Plans

Image via Wikipedia While Texas Governor Rick Perry rails against the evils of federal involvement in health care on the GOP presidential campaign trail, businesses back home are busy raking in record profits from government dollars. “By largely exiti…

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Why 3 Hospitals Didn’t Hurt My Wife (And What That Means)

My wife was lying in the back of an ambulance, dazed and bloody, while I sat in the front, distraught and distracted. We had been bicycling in a quiet neighborhood in southern Maine when she hit the handbrakes too hard and catapulted over the handlebar…

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Why 3 Hospitals Didn’t Hurt My Wife (And What That Means)

My wife was lying in the back of an ambulance, dazed and bloody, while I sat in the front, distraught and distracted. We had been bicycling in a quiet neighborhood in southern Maine when she hit the handbrakes too hard and catapulted over the handlebar…

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Medical Mistakes…and My Minute With Andy Rooney

Andy Rooney died of complications from “minor surgery.” What do you think he’d have to say about that?

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The Fine Line Between Shared and Manipulated Medical Decisions

Spend some time with the Society for Medical Decision Making, and “shared decisions” starts to seem less a clinical ideal and more an offshoot of picking a monthly cell phone plan. The fine line between “motivating” and “manipulating” behavior (albeit sometimes unintentionally) starts to blur. At the group’s recent annual meeting […]

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The Fine Line Between Shared and Manipulated Medical Decisions

Spend some time with the Society for Medical Decision Making, and “shared decisions” starts to seem less a clinical ideal and more an offshoot of picking a monthly cell phone plan. The fine line between “motivating” and “manipulating” behavior (albeit sometimes unintentionally) starts to blur. At the group’s recent annual meeting […]

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CMS Wants Docs to Ante Up to ACO Poker Game

To get doctors and hospitals to participate in the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) experiment, the government has simplified the rules, sweetened the pot and pulled up a few more chairs

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CMS Wants Docs to Ante Up to ACO Poker Game

To get doctors and hospitals to participate in the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) experiment, the government has simplified the rules, sweetened the pot and pulled up a few more chairs

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WTF? Israeli General Warns of Officers Texting Orders, Being Ignored

Ceremony of receiving berets. IDF Nahal brigad…
Image via Wikipedia

When an Israeli Army officer says, “Follow me!”, the soldiers under his command may be confused whether he means Facebook or a firefight.

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