Can The Research That Drives Health Reform Be Reformed?
Health services research, the basis of health reform, needs to focus on real-world impact and communicate its benefits says Aaron Carroll, the new president of AcademyHealth.
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Health services research, the basis of health reform, needs to focus on real-world impact and communicate its benefits says Aaron Carroll, the new president of AcademyHealth.
By MICHAEL MILLENSON “A reform,” wrote a 19th-century British parliamentarian, “is a correction of abuses. A revolution is a transfer of power.” As we celebrate the American Revolution, catalyzed by men whoContinue reading…
Cincinnati Children’s is a patient safety unicorn, a place where achieving zero patient harm is a genuine cornerstone of the corporate culture.
A new study highlights a pervasive government failure to prevent hospital mergers that give providers excess pricing power. Price transparency is unlikely to compensate.
Researchers examining how patients make medical decisions are turning up some unexpected results.
The Coalition for Health AI wants to be the “curator of best practices of AI in health,” but it’s unclear if that will involve enabling true patient empowerment.
When it comes to warning the public about potentially harmful health care, ChatGPT and Gemini clam up, even if the misdeeds were widely publicized..
Researchers applied game theory to find out whether incorporating patient-generated health data into the clinical work flow will boost or bring down providers’ profits.
The phrase “health care crisis” long ago evolved into an incantation, but even well-intentioned crisis-mongering can hurt the crucial task of facing political reality.
The effectiveness of the effort to reduce healthcare-associated infections is obscured as much as revealed in the latest data from the CDC.