When Medical Error Becomes Personal, Activism Becomes Painful

Though I’d never myself experienced a medical error, I became an activist. Recently, however, a relative was a victim, and the frustrating persistence of error became personally painful. [So I examined] more closely what the profession euphemistically …

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THCB Gang Episode 104, Thursday September 15 at 1pm PT, 4pm ET

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang on Thursday September 15 patient safety expert and all around wit Michael Millenson (@mlmillenson); Suntra Modern Recovery CEO JL Neptune (@JeanLucNeptune); fierce patient activist Casey QuinlanContinue reading…

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The Shocking Impact of an Ancestor’s Secret Abortion

BY MICHAEL MILLENSON When my siblings and I were young, we were fascinated by my father’s Uncle Byron. Handsome and confident, he drove a big, 1960s-era Chrysler Imperial, had a glamorous jobContinue reading…

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THCB Gang Episode 101, Thursday August 18, 1pm PT- 4pm ET

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) for the 101st #THCBGang on Thursday August 18 are medical historian Mike Magee (@drmikemagee); patient safety expert and all around wit Michael Millenson (@mlmillenson); delivery & platform expert VinceContinue reading…

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THCB Gang Episode 96, Thursday June 16

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang on Thursday June 16 were medical historian Mike Magee (@drmikemagee); patient safety expert and all around wit Michael Millenson (@mlmillenson); Queen of all employer benefits Jennifer BenzContinue reading…

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THCB Gang Episode 94, Thursday June 2

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang on Thursday June 2 were regulars Grace Cordavano (@GraceCordovano); patient safety expert and all around wit Michael Millenson (@mlmillenson); and policy expert consultant/author Rosemarie Day (@Rosemarie_Day1). GunContinue reading…

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THCB Gang Episode 89, Thursday April 28, 1pm PT 4pm ET

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang on April 28 for an hour of topical and sometime combative conversation on what’s happening in health care were: THCB regular writer and ponderer of oddContinue reading…

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THCB Gang Episode 88, Thursday April 21st, 1pm PT 4pm ET

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang on April 21 for an hour of topical and sometime combative conversation on what’s happening in health care are: patient safety expert and all around witContinue reading…

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Digital Health Firms Reverse Dollar-Bill Motto In Bid To Make Big Bucks

Digital health firms are increasingly betting that the key to success is offering “one to many” technologies that addresses workforce shortages by expanding the reach of clinicians.

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THCB Gang Episode 86, Thursday March 24th, 1pm PT 4pm ET

Joining Matthew Holt (@boltyboy) on #THCBGang at 1pm PT 4pm ET Thursday for an hour of topical and sometime combative conversation on what’s happening in health care and beyond will be: QueenContinue reading…

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