“Feed The Hungry” Goes From Ethical Injunction To Bottom-Line Benefit
Some Medicaid and Medicare Advantage plans are paying for medically tailored meals and other dietary interventions believing “food as medicine” will reduce future costs.
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Some Medicaid and Medicare Advantage plans are paying for medically tailored meals and other dietary interventions believing “food as medicine” will reduce future costs.
The hospital where Donald Trump was rushed after an assassination attempt scores high on patient safety, but having that consistency nationwide should be a policy choice.
The hospital where Donald Trump was rushed after an assassination attempt scores high on patient safety, but having that consistency nationwide should be a policy choice.
A webinar on artificial intelligence organized by NEJM AI presented a fascinating snapshot of ambivalence about the radica…
This began to feel like a turning point in the power of the patient voice in federal health policy related to patient safety, medical AI and patient empowerment.
The health policy issues that were largely invisible at the Republican and Democratic conventions taught a crucial lesson about politics.
ChatGPT’s question-answering choices remain somewhat of a black box. Magic 8 Ball is a black ball.. I asked both how to solve the healthcare crisis.
Artificial intelligence-aided diagnosis may seem futuristic, but a recent National Academy of Medicine workshop heard compelling examples of promise and perils right now.
Health services research, the basis of health reform, needs to focus on real-world impact and communicate its benefits says Aaron Carroll, the new president of AcademyHealth.
Cincinnati Children’s is a patient safety unicorn, a place where achieving zero patient harm is a genuine cornerstone of the corporate culture.