Did CDC Laxity on One Infection Help Spread Another?

Did laxity by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in eliminating an often deadly infection caused by hospitals leave the way open for infection control lapses that hinder the Ebola fight?

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Did CDC Laxity on One Infection Help Spread Another?

Did laxity by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in eliminating an often deadly infection caused by hospitals leave the way open for infection control lapses that hinder the Ebola fight?

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“Rudolph” Sings of Santa as Savvy Manager, Marketer

Like everyone else, I’ve cheerfully hummed, whistled and sung along to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for as long as I can remember. But when I listened carefully to the lyrics this holiday season, I realized I’d missed the underlying message of a song that teaches invaluable lessons about the challenge […]

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GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Objection

Hard-right Republicans said they shut down the government to stop Obamacare and “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? “Patient-centered healthcare.” Really? The ACA can be accused of many failures, but it’s the most patient-centered law ever.

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Big Government Brings Big Profits To Texas Health Plans

Image via Wikipedia While Texas Governor Rick Perry rails against the evils of  federal involvement in health care on the GOP presidential campaign trail, businesses back home are busy raking in record profits from government dollars. “By largely exiting the employer market and focusing on Medicare and Medicaid, Texas HMOs have enjoyed […]

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If You Want to Stop Hospital Harm, Don’t Call a Capitalist

A patient in an intensive care unit (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Leapfrog Group has just released its latest report grading the safety of hundreds of individual hospitals, but the real news isn’t the “incremental progress.” It’s how a group started by some of the most powerful corporations in America has quietly […]

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Can Downton Abbey “Health Plan” Replace Obamacare?

In modern terms, Downton Abbey seems to offer long-time employees comprehensive and generous health and disability coverage. But how does it compare to Obamacare?

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Medical Mistakes…and My Minute With Andy Rooney

Andy Rooney died of complications from “minor surgery.” What do you think he’d have to say about that?

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Obamacare Hater, Lover Harmonize on “Clinical Nuance”

The phrase “clinical nuance” conjures images of a surgeon who spends his spare time restoring antique Swiss watches, but it’s a term some Obamacare haters and lovers alike are uniting around as a desired change to the traditional Medicare benefit. The less-sexy description is “value-based insurance design.”

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Obamacare Hater, Lover Harmonize on “Clinical Nuance”

The phrase “clinical nuance” conjures images of a surgeon who spends his spare time restoring antique Swiss watches, but it’s a term some Obamacare haters and lovers alike are uniting around as a desired change to the traditional Medicare benefit. The less-sexy description is “value-based insurance design.”

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