The Money, the MD and a $12 Million Patient Safety Scandal

Dr. Charles Denham rattles off names like the Clinton Global Health Initiative, the Discovery Channel, the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School when discussing those he’s worked with. Now, the Justice Department has named him as taking a nearly $12 m…

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It’s Paternity Test Time for Newt, Mitt & Obamacare

It’s paternity test time for Obamacare. Beneath the bogeyman label that the GOP leadership has attached to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the truth is that health reform has almost as many Republican as Democratic fathers. If you care about the country as much as political hand-to-hand combat, that […]

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The Man Who Brought Computers Into Medicine

When Homer Warner first started using computers in a hospital, the computers were analog and the house call was state-of-the-art. Warner, who died recently at age 90, did more than anyone else to translate research into innovations that continue to hav…

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Medicare’s ACO Regs Recall MAD’s Squamish Rulebook

After sitting through a 90-minute webinar by a Washington law firm on Medicare’s new draft regulations for Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), I realized why they sounded familiar. In their complexity and utter failure to accomplish their purpose – give doctors and hospitals a clear financial incentive to reorganize care delivery […]

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Burying a Life in My Mother’s Obit

When my mother died back in 1993, the best way to alert the community was to get the local newspaper to run a news item people would see when they scanned the morning headlines. Unfortunately, our hometown paper was The Washington Post. The Post obitua…

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The Money, the MD and a $12 Million Patient Safety Scandal

Dr. Charles Denham rattles off names like the Clinton Global Health Initiative, the Discovery Channel, the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School when discussing those he’s worked with. Now, the Justice Department has named him as taking a nearly $12 m…

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In a Footnote, GOP Gives Up Total Obamacare Repeal

Buried in a footnote to the recently unveiled GOP alternative to Obamacare is the admission that Republicans are not going to try to repeal the parts of the law related to Medicare reform. Oddly, neither press nor pundits seem to have bothered to ask w…

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10 Sex Tips for Better Looking Health Insurance

OK, maybe I misread the cover of the dog-eared copy of Glamour perched in a magazine rack at the gym. Perhaps I was confused by the multi-colored headlines promising an improved physical appearance (“101 One Minute Makeover Tricks”), a more organized daily routine (“12 Ways to Get Your Sh*T Together”) […]

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WTF? Israeli General Warns of Officers Texting Orders, Being Ignored

Ceremony of receiving berets. IDF Nahal brigad…
Image via Wikipedia

When an Israeli Army officer says, “Follow me!”, the soldiers under his command may be confused whether he means Facebook or a firefight.

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Bin Laden, Patriotism And Our Health Care Crisis

In the near-decade since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, the “War on Terror” has cost the United States about $1.3 trillion, according to the National Center on Defense Information. By comparison, it took just six months for the U.S. to spend that…

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