GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Objection

Hard-right Republicans said they shut down the government to stop Obamacare and “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? “Patient-centered healthcare.” Really? The ACA can be accused of many failures, but it’s the most patient-centered law ever.

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Health IT: A Tale of Three Watsons

If you want to see the future of health information technology, take a look at the dueling visions of two Thomas Watsons that are on display this month in a game show and a trade show. The  juxtaposition unintentionally demonstrates what doctors and patients will be doing together and also separately .

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Doctors, Plumber Envy and a 1969 Ode to Obamacare

If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice you’d read American Medical News. That’s the American Medical Association newspaper where you could read about plumber envy, protesters burning their AMA membership card and, today, what sounds suspiciously like an ode to Obamacare.

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Doctors, Plumber Envy and a 1969 Ode to Obamacare

If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice you’d read American Medical News. That’s the American Medical Association newspaper where you could read about plumber envy, protesters burning their AMA membership card and, today, what sounds suspiciously like an ode to Obamacare.

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If You Want to Stop Hospital Harm, Don’t Call a Capitalist

A patient in an intensive care unit (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Leapfrog Group has just released its latest report grading the safety of hundreds of individual hospitals, but the real news isn’t the “incremental progress.” It’s how a group started by some of the most powerful corporations in America has quietly […]

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Money and Power Embrace Patient Engagement

Money and power are embracing the patient engagement movement because of the bottom-line connection to better outcomes in chronic disease and higher payments to providers meeting new government benchmarks.

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Money and Power Embrace Patient Engagement

Money and power are embracing the patient engagement movement because of the bottom-line connection to better outcomes in chronic disease and higher payments to providers meeting new government benchmarks.

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Can Downton Abbey “Health Plan” Replace Obamacare?

In modern terms, Downton Abbey seems to offer long-time employees comprehensive and generous health and disability coverage. But how does it compare to Obamacare?

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The Man Who Brought Computers Into Medicine

When Homer Warner first started using computers in a hospital, the computers were analog and the house call was state-of-the-art. Warner, who died recently at age 90, did more than anyone else to translate research into innovations that continue to hav…

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Left Behind: Will Cutting Medicare Hurt Seniors?

Forget finances and the fiscal cliff: raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 is likely to kill some of those left behind ­– even if they already have private insurance. And cutting provider reimbursement too deeply? Ditto. Most of the criticism of a proposed two-year age hike has focused […]

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