Left Behind: Will Cutting Medicare Hurt Seniors?

Forget finances and the fiscal cliff: raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 is likely to kill some of those left behind ­– even if they already have private insurance. And cutting provider reimbursement too deeply? Ditto. Most of the criticism of a proposed two-year age hike has focused […]

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Can Big Bird Save Patient Safety Agency?

The flap greeting Mitt Romney’s cheerful admission that as president he’d defund Big Bird’s nesting place on public television could turn out to be good news for a federal agency promoting safe medical care that faces a similar extinction threat. But we won’t know till after the election whether the […]

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Can Big Bird Save Patient Safety Agency?

The flap greeting Mitt Romney’s cheerful admission that as president he’d defund Big Bird’s nesting place on public television could turn out to be good news for a federal agency promoting safe medical care that faces a similar extinction threat. But we won’t know till after the election whether the […]

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The Supremes Rule: Why You Have to Love Lawyers and Politicians

What this ruling really gives Obama the opportunity to do is rediscover the benefits of politics, democracy and leading the American people.

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Supremes Can Overturn Obamacare with “All Deliberate Speed”

If conservatives on the Supreme Court overturn the ACA, they should do it with the “all deliberate speed” they applied to segregation (another federal vs. states rights conflict). That should let health reform continue until at least the mid-century

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Supremes Can Overturn Obamacare with “All Deliberate Speed”

If conservatives on the Supreme Court overturn the ACA, they should do it with the “all deliberate speed” they applied to segregation (another federal vs. states rights conflict). That should let health reform continue until at least the mid-century

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Can hospital execs walk the tightrope over the cost-quality chasm?

Hospital execs are walking a tightrope over a cost-quality chasm to bring their organizations safely from a world of pay-for-volume to pay-for-value health care.

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Can hospital execs walk the tightrope over the cost-quality chasm?

Hospital execs are walking a tightrope over a cost-quality chasm to bring their organizations safely from a world of pay-for-volume to pay-for-value health care.

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Burying a Life in My Mother’s Obit

When my mother died back in 1993, the best way to alert the community was to get the local newspaper to run a news item people would see when they scanned the morning headlines. Unfortunately, our hometown paper was The Washington Post. The Post obitua…

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Will Regina Holliday Become Health Care’s Rosa Parks?

The protest organized by Regina Holliday over a patient’s right to access their medical information has intriguing similarities to the crusade Rosa Parks launched against segregated buses back in the 1950s. Both involve a refusal to accept second-class status and a resolve to push back against entrenched institutions.

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