Bipartisan Bliss? DC Health Confab Shows Three Slightly Cynical Secrets Are Key

While political conflict grabs headlines, bipartisan harmony reigned at a recent D.C. health policy. Three slightly cynical secrets plus a carefully crafted agenda, explain why.

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Bipartisan Bliss? DC Health Confab Shows Three Slightly Cynical Secrets Are Key

While political conflict grabs headlines, bipartisan harmony reigned at a recent D.C. health policy. Three slightly cynical secrets plus a carefully crafted agenda, explain why.

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Will Your Health Plan Tell You That It Can Save Your Life?

When it comes to choosing a health insurance plan, critical information that could literally spell the difference between life and death is conspicuously absent. Powerful national employer groups demanding transparency could change that.

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Concrete Problems: Experts Caution on Construction of Digital Health Superhighway

Speakers repeatedly pointed to portions of the digital health superhighway that sorely need more concrete – in this case, concrete knowledge.

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A Sweet Life Insurance Deal: “Buy, Don’t Die”

Call it the “delay death discount.” Engage with the Hancock’s diabetes wellness program on a continuing basis, and the insurer will cut your life insurance premium by up to 25 percent.

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Can Rah-Rah, Blah-Blah and Meh Accelerate Digital Health Innovation?

Can combining tech start-up “rah-rah,” health policy “blah-blah” and the “meh” of academic research accelerate the uptake of digital health innovation? To get better digital health interventions to market faster, we need a Partnership for Innovators, Policymakers and Evidence-generators (PIPE).

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Off the Couch, Onto the Stage: My First, Only and Not-So-Great Presidential Debate

In September, 2008, the campaign asked me to serve as a surrogate in a debate with John McCain’s health care adviser when one of Obama’s close advisers – as opposed to me, who’d met the candidate once at a campaign event – couldn’t make it.

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The Secret to Health Tech Startups Reaping Riches? Realism

Though a record $8.1 billion poured into digital health firms in 2018, the marketplace is far from welcoming to every new entrant. A parade of entrepreneurs, investors and health tech purchasers at a recent MedCity INVEST conference described the reali…

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Big Data Big News: Largest Health Data Org on Planet Promises “Actionable” Info Release

The largest health data steward “on the planet,” the Department of Health and Human Services, plans to make its data releases actionable for entrepreneurs and patients. The clinical and economic impact of this connected health information could be enor…

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Not Fake News! A Trump Administration Rule Models Government Civility

A little-unnoticed Trump administration regulation offers quiet evidence that bipartisan civility in government is possible. Despite involving Obamacare, millions of Medicare beneficiaries and $100 billion in federal spending, ideological fireworks wer…

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