The Internet of Medical Things Gold Rush (And My Grandfather’s Wooden Leg)

The recent Connected Health Conference featured an eclectic mix of corporations claiming cutting-edge expertise in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). But to me personally, the most intriguing pivot towards the IoMT future was AT&T’s prominent positioning of a prosthetic foot.

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Will Apple Track Your Mind, Not Just Your Heart?

Apple watching over your health could involve more than its new Series 4 watch. The latest iPhone can be used to analyze facial expressions, voice and other information for signs of depression or other mental health issues. Winning hearts and minds isn…

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Despite Youth On Farm, Abbott Ventures Chief Avoids Spreading Manure

Abbott Ventures chief Evan Norton may have spent part of his youth on a farm, but there’s no manure in his manner when speaking of the medical device and diagnostics market landscape. The key, he says, is to avoid being blindsided by the transformational power of digital data. Others agree.

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Not Fake News! Trumpians, Dems, Health Data Nerds Harmonize In DC

Trump appointees cheered by both GOPers and Dems. VCs warning about too much VC cash. Tech nerds modest about AI. At Health Datapalooza, the goals of better health care, better health and making lots of money led to surprising harmony

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Will Azar Practice ‘Art Of The Deal’ Capitalism At Trump’s HHS?

The Gospel of the Great Dealmaker created expectations that Donald Trump’s HHS would strongly support paying providers based on “value.” It didn’t. Now it’s up to Alex Azar to bring capitalism, where deal making demands performance, back to health care policy.

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Ben Franklin Blitz: To Keep Profits Healthy, Insurers Want You Wealthy And Wise

Your health plan is on a Ben Franklin blitz. They want to make you healthy and wise — and, as payment incentives change, themselves wealthy. So get ready for help in living a purpose-driven life…and getting enough sleep.

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When The American Medical Association Cheered Hillary

What I remember most was how quickly she won over a crowd that had good reason to be suspicious; how fluently she spoke…and, most of all, the standing ovation some 2,000 doctors and their spouses gave her….Let’s hope the hard lessons Hillary Clinton learned in the 1990s-era health reform debacle imprint themselves in her actions as well as in her words.

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Echoes Of Trump, Sanders At ‘Right Care’ Meeting

If Lown wants to change the “culture” that prompts those [unnecessary CT] scan orders….I suggest finding some moms willing to publicly agree that not treating their child’s “intracranial bleeds and skull fractures” (as the research phrased it) was perfectly fine.

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The Profitability (Or Not) Of Harming Patients

A quiet effort has been going on for years to persuade hospitals they can make more money preventing patient harm than by allowing it to occur. When the government announced last week that a patient safety partnership with hospitals had saved 87,000 li…

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Key for Health IT Entrepreneurs: Don’t Disrupt the Wrong Thing

The crucial advice from two of the savviest digerati doctors in Silicon Valley can be summed up this way: disrupt medicine without disrupting the lives of those who practice it.

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