Can Business Savvy, Clout & Charisma Supercharge Patient Safety?

Joe Kiani, the Iranian-born entrepreneur who built Masimo Corp., is behind a Patient Safety Movement that hopes to use the clout and charisma model of the Clinton Foundation to eliminate preventable medical errors by the year 2020.

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Can Business Savvy, Clout And Charisma Supercharge Patient Safety?

Joe Kiani, the Iranian-born entrepreneur who built Masimo Corp., is behind a Patient Safety Movement that hopes to use the clout and charisma model of the Clinton Foundation to eliminate preventable medical errors by the year 2020.

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Safe Doctors, Unsafe Patients: A Tale of Two Infections

Hospitals have zealously followed the rules that protect doctors and others from being infected by patients with the HIV virus. But many are much more lax about protecting patients from a hospital-caused infection called CLABSI that is deadlier than ma…

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Safe Doctors, Unsafe Patients: A Tale of Two Infections

Hospitals have zealously followed the rules that protect doctors and others from being infected by patients with the HIV virus. But many are much more lax about protecting patients from a hospital-caused infection called CLABSI that is deadlier than ma…

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The Supremes Rule: Why You Have to Love Lawyers and Politicians

What this ruling really gives Obama the opportunity to do is rediscover the benefits of politics, democracy and leading the American people.

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In a Footnote, GOP Gives Up Total Obamacare Repeal

Buried in a footnote to the recently unveiled GOP alternative to Obamacare is the admission that Republicans are not going to try to repeal the parts of the law related to Medicare reform. Oddly, neither press nor pundits seem to have bothered to ask w…

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Did CDC Laxity on One Infection Help Spread Another?

Did laxity by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in eliminating an often deadly infection caused by hospitals leave the way open for infection control lapses that hinder the Ebola fight?

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Did CDC Laxity on One Infection Help Spread Another?

Did laxity by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in eliminating an often deadly infection caused by hospitals leave the way open for infection control lapses that hinder the Ebola fight?

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“Rudolph” Sings of Santa as Savvy Manager, Marketer

Like everyone else, I’ve cheerfully hummed, whistled and sung along to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer for as long as I can remember. But when I listened carefully to the lyrics this holiday season, I realized I’d missed the underlying message of a song that teaches invaluable lessons about the challenge […]

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GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Objection

Hard-right Republicans said they shut down the government to stop Obamacare and “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? “Patient-centered healthcare.” Really? The ACA can be accused of many failures, but it’s the most patient-centered law ever.

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