The Dangerous Patient Safety Delusions of Eminence-Based Medicine

By MICHAEL L. MILLENSON The eminent physicians Martin Samuels and Nortin Hadler have piled onto the patient safety movement, wielding a deft verbal knife alongwith a questionable command of the facts. They are the defenders of the “nobility”off medicine against the algorithm-driven “fellow travelers” of the safety movement. On the one side, apparatchiks; on the

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Key for Health IT Entrepreneurs: Don’t Disrupt the Wrong Thing

By MICHAEL MILLENSON Among the 200 demos, 60 exhibitors and more than 100 speakers at the annual Health 2.0 conference on digital health, a critical insight for succeeding in this burgeoning market might have gotten lost in the noise. The crucial advice came on separate days from two of the savviest digerati doctors in Silicon Valley. Not coincidentally, both Dr.

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The “Business Case” For Patient Safety

By MICHAEL MILLENSON Twenty years ago this month, the Boston Globe disclosed that health columnist Betsy Lehman, a 39-year-old mother of two, had been killed by a drug overdose during treatment for breast cancer at Dana-Farber Cancer Center. In laying out a grim trail of preventable mistakes at a renowned institution, the Globe prompted local […]

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Race, Ethnicity and Patient Engagement

By MICHAEL MILLENSON A few years ago, I was upgraded to First Class on a flight from California back to Chicago. Not long after I settled in, a tall, muscular man easily four inches taller than me walked up to my aisle seat in the first row and prepared to sit by the window. I envisioned […]

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The Medical Home’s Humpty Dumpty Defense

By Michael L. Millenson I was reading a medical home advocacy group’s upbeat approach to a recent JAMA study that had found scant benefit in the concept when, suddenly, we tumbled into Alice in Wonderland territory. The press release from the leadership of the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) started out reasonably enough. The three-year study […]

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GOP’s Oddest Obamacare Rejection: “Patient-Centered Healthcare”

By Michael L. Millenson The reason that Republicans shut down the federal government, it turns out, was to “restore patient-centered healthcare in America.” Huh? As the lead author of a policy paper entitled, “Will the Affordable Care Act Move Patient-Centeredness to Center Stage?” I admit to a certain guilty thrill when I read this precise […]

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Still Demanding Medical Excellence

By Michael L. Millenson Forget for a moment the familiar scenes of action and outraged reaction that are playing out in our long-running national debate over how best to provide access to health care for every American. Instead, ask one simple question: what happens in the doctor’s office or hospital once access is achieved. I set […]

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The 9th Grade Class Does Obamacare Math (Can Journalists Do the Same?)

By Michael L. Millenson Welcome, students, to our special combined 9th grade math and civics class. Today, we’re going to look at the “Cadillac tax” in the Affordable Care Act. Yes, Mitt, you have a question already? No, no, “Cadillac tax” is just an expression. No one is going to tax your family’s cars, Mitt, […]

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In a Quiet Move, Washington Replaces the Head of AHRQ. Is It Too Late to Save the Agency?

By Michael L. Millenson Stealthily, AHRQ has acquired a new head, but the ax still hovers over it. Very quietly, researcher Richard Kronick, PhD was named by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to be the new director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He joins an organization that remains […]

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What the Death of American Medical News Says About the Future of American Medicine

By Michael L. Millenson If you wanted to know what doctors thought about money and medical practice, including plumber envy, you’d read American Medical News(AMN). That’s the biweekly newspaper the American Medical Association just announced it’s shutting down. Unlike JAMA, in which doctors appear as white-coated scientists, AMN focused on practical and political issues, not least of which was […]

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