Demanding Medical Excellence: Doctors and Accountability in the Information Age

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The use of digitized health information can dramatically improve American health care. While the destruction of the old ways of medical practice may be an unavoidable source of anxiety, the future of American medicine promises an era of better, safer and more patient-centered care.

Demanding Medical Excellence is recommended in economics and health policy by the National Library of Medicine. It has been used as a text at New York City’s New School and the Harvard School of Public Health and at medical schools, business schools and in undergraduate courses in this country and internationally.

Book Reactions

“An exciting and important story.”

—The New York Times Book Review

“Highly readable. It’s more than your doctor is likely to tell you.”

—Boston Globe

“Detailed and thoughtful analysis of key developments inhealth care quality…A ‘must read.’”

—Annals of Internal Medicine

“Millenson, an erudite chronicler, has spun a fascinating tale.”


“An excellent discussion of the impact of technology on health care.”

—Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy

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